Your data, activated

We pull all your data together to help you grow your business with data driven decisions.

Activate your growth today!

Data driven growth. Let your business sprout.

Unlock the full potential of your data and grow your business with our comprehensive and ethical data commercialisation solutions.

We pull all your data together to help you grow your business with data driven decisions.

Are you getting the most out of your data?
How long do you spend getting info for your reports?
Or staring at your dashboards not knowing what’s next? 

Let our roots bring your data together so your business can excel through data-driven decisions.

We pull all your data together, and help you make data-driven decisions that will grow your business!

Our 4 Step Process

Sprout Data Hub is an end-to-end managed service bringing you automated reports from your data so you can spend less time on manual reporting and more time gaining valuable insights.

Step 1

Data connection

  • We simplify the process of connecting your data sources, ensuring a seamless flow of information. Systems we can currently integrate with include Xero, Cliniko, Hubspot & Salesforce, and many more.
Step 2

Standard reports

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of your business with our standard reports such as Balance sheets, Profit & Loss, and Marketing Trends. Equipping you with the insights you need to track performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions.
Step 3

Customised reporting

  • Tailor-made solutions to meet your unique reporting requirements. Whether you need industry-specific analytics, or personalized KPI tracking, we will work closely with you to deliver customized reports that unlock the full potential of your data and deliver powerful insights.
Step 4

Grow your business

  • From streamlining repetitive tasks, ensuring you have clean and accurate data, to integrating with your existing platforms, we will work closely with you to identify and solve pain points within your business to save you time and effort, helping you make decisions based on reliable insights.
Find out how we can help you
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